Mitä on pääoma? Liian moni mieltää pääoman rahaksi. Kuitenkin raha on täysin eri asia kuin pääoma. Raha on vaihdon väline, jonka keskeinen ominaisuus on ostovoima eli kyky vaihtaa rahaa ihmisen haluamiin tuotteisiin ja palveluihin. Pääoma sen sijaan on perusluonteeltaan aikaa. Pääoma on työn tuloksena syntynyt aikavarasto, joka on varastoituneena pääomahyödykkeisiin. Aikaisemmin tehty työ varastoituu pääomaan ja pääoma käytettäessään vähentää tulevan työn tarvetta. Praxgirl avaa asiaa seuraavassa erinomaisella esimerkillä.
Pääoma on aikavarasto
Kuvitellaan Robinson Crusoe autiolle saarelle. Hän saa elantonsa syömällä kalaa. Joka päivä hän käyttää tietyn ajan kalastamiseen. Kuitenkin jonain päivänä hän päättää vähentää kalastamiseen käyttämäänsä aikaa uhraamalla aikansa verkon rakentamiseen. Tämä aikauhraus on investointi. Investointi on tämän päivän kulutuksen vähentämistä tai säästämistä, jotta tulevaisuudessa voisi nauttia suuremmista saaliista. Siispä Crusoe rakentaa verkon. Kun verkko on valmis, ei Crusoen tarvitse enää itse käyttää aikaansa kalastamiseen. Hän saa elintarvikkeensa verkon avulla. Säästyneen ajan hän voi käyttää vaikka metsästämiseen.
Verkko on siis pääomaa. Se on investointi, joka on aikaansaatu säästämällä aikaa muusta tekemisestä. Siten se on aikavarasto, joka aiemmin tehdyn työn ansiosta vähentää tulevan työn tarvetta. Tämä vapautunut aika voidaan käyttää muuhun tarkoitukseen ja siten parantaa elintasoamme. Ei tarvitse enää syödä vain kalaa vaan voimme nauttia muista luonnonantimista ja korkeammista tarpeistamme.
Miksi pääoma on tärkeä tekijä yhteiskunnassa?
Kun ymmärrämme pääoman määritelmän oikein ja sisäistämme sen syvällisesti, ymmärrämme myös sen merkityksen yhteiskunnassa. Pääoma on välttämätön väylä elintasomme parantamisessa. Pääoma on mahdollisuus, ei uhka. Jotta voimme kartuttaa elintasoamme, on meidän ensin investoitava aikaamme pääoman luomiseen. On siis tehtävä asioita, jotka vapauttavat aikaamme myöhemmässä vaiheessa.
Toiseksi määritelmä tekee mielettömäksi pääoman ja työvoiman välisen vastakkainasettelun. Pääoma ja työ ovat aina täydellisessä symbioosissa keskenään. Pääomaa syntyy vain työllä ja vain pääoma pystyy vapauttamaan ihmisen välttämättömästä työstä tuottavampaan työhön. Antaa siis pääoman hoitaa ne asiat, jotka se pystyy hoitamaan niin voimme keskittyä itse mielekkäämpään ja tuottavampaan tekemiseen.
Praxgirl: What is Capital?
How should we create wealth? Should we only live in the present moment or think about the future?
Land (nature-given means) and labour have limitations in their productive output. Therefore, if man wants to increase his rate of production of consumers goods, he must engage in a process that awards him with more time. This involves producing and saving goods that will not be used for consumption in the present, but at some later time. This accumulation of time is called Capital and the goods that store the time are called capital goods.
Capital or Time (which as we can see can be used interchangeably) is the third and final element of factor of production. For production of any good 3 factors must be mixed together:
- Land (the nature-given means)
- Labor (the element of human energy)
- Time (the time involved in production)
We can see that there is a process involving "stages" in production of goods that will ultimately be consumed by individuals. These stages are called The Structure of Production. Each structure of production will vary in length of the time and the process will take. A shorter structure of production will take less time to produce the desired consumer good, but will have a lesser rate of production than a lengthier structure.
To illustrate, let us imagine Robinson Crusoe stranded on a desert island. His immediate desire is to feed himself. He looks around and finds a fish in a fresh water pond in the middle of the island. So he jumps into the water and starts catching the fish by hand. This structure of production is almous instantaneous because his fishing is only one stage removed from his eating fish. His rate of catching fish is however, really slow. If Crusoe decides to engage in the process of building a net his rate of fishing will increase tremendously. But this also means that he will have to engage in a longer structure of production before he can begin to eat fish at all. A net will take him ten days to construct, during which he will not be able to be catch fish to feed himself. Whether or not a man will invest his time and energy into longer structure of production depends solely on his time preference, that is whether he prefers things sooner or later. Crusoe will have to decide whether engaging ten days of labor which not immediately feed him will be worth the final product which is increased rate of fish production.
Supposing Crusoe is determined to better his situation, and he feels that a fishing net could really help him catch more fish, the question is: how will Crusoe achieve the feat of building a net without starving to death? What Crusoe needs is time. If he has been spending his entire day catching 10 fish by hand, then building a net will mean that he needs to have 100 fish saved to feed himself during the production process. Crusoe therefore has two possible ways of saving: 1. He could save some fish every day until he acquires 100 fish at which point he can now engage in the process of building the net. Or 2. He can catch less fish a day and spend the saved time building the net little by little. In both cases he is engaging fundamentally the same process in saving. Crusoe is choosing to reduce his present consumption in order to consume more in the future. His saved fish represent his capital.
Capital is stored up land, labor and time. At every step, more capital put us closer to enjoyment of consumer goods. He who possesses capital in that much closer in time to achieve his desired good. Once Crusoe no longer has to spend his entire day fishing, he can dedicate more time to achieve more ends. He can read, write or leisure. He can spend time building a house, or preparing clothes for the winter. Saving is the fundamental action which is necessary for improvement of our situation. If I had to choose the most important implication from the fact that human act, it would be the importance of Capital. The concept of capital is the answer to the how and why we live in a such a productive and complex modern society. We all today living better off of the fruits of the labor of previous generations. What this really means is that we are all living in a world that is the result of men before us saving. Instead of consuming everything they had produced, our ancestors accumulated capital beginning with small steps like saving of fish, then producing tools such as nets and so on into larger and larger structures of production.
We live in a very complex society where the consumer goods we enjoy aren't merely the result of technological process. Technology is merely a recipe on how to achieve our ends. Even if Crusoe knows how to build a boat to get out of the island, he has to satisfy his most urgent needs first which are to feed himself and to survive through his situation. We cannot embark onto a new technology without having the savings to facilitate this sideways production.